

46th Program in France (FY2021, online)

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Due to the spread of COVID-19, the 46th “Overseas Training Program for Child Care Facility Personnel ” was held online by connecting with France. Participants learned about the systems and policies surrounding children and families in France, their background, status and issues, and the specific implementation of measures. The training report summarizing the learnings was published in March 2022.

Number of participants

10 (including the training leader and the special lecturer)

Training period

Remote training13 days between January 6 to February 12, 2022

Main training content

  • Nurturing the next-generation
  • The system and specific implementation of the service network with many involved organizations
  • Actual support for children in need of protection

List of Training Destinations

École primaire Pier Giorgio Frassati

Association Française d’Information et de Recherche sur l’Enfance Maltraitée (AFIREM

Ms. Akiko Awa “About the child welfare and social care system of France”

Observatoire national de l'action sociale (ODAS

Hôpital universitaire Robert-Debré – Equipe Mobile

Maison dʼEnfants à Caractère Social Félix Faure

Cellule de Recueil des Informations Préoccupantes75 (CRIP75)

Relais Alésia

Brigade de protection des mineurs (BPM

ALPA – Fild’or

Maison de Solenn,Maison des adolescents de Cochin

Ministère de la justice - Direction de la Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse (DPJJ

Association Nationale de Réadaptation Sociale (ANRS

GIP Enfance en Danger (GIPED

Observatoire National de la Protection de l'Enfance (ONPE

Service National Téléphonique de l'Enfance en Danger (SNATED

La démesure : Soumise à la violence d’un père: - Témoignage (Essais-documents) by Céline Raphaël (Author), Daniel Rousseau (Preface) 

Espace Paris Adoption (EPA)

Centre Éducatif Renforcé (CER – 93

Unité Educative d'Hébergement Collectif (UEHC

Training Report Session

On Friday, August 26, 2022, the Training Report Session for Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare was held at the Shiseido Shiodome Office. At the session, training members provided an overview of the child welfare and child protection system in France and shared insights from lectures delivered at the training destinations and by experts. Based on that report, they mentioned the concept of "children in need of protection" in Japan, the system for receiving notifications, the training system for staff according to their profession and career, and what we can do as those involved with children.

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What You Can Do

You can help support children's future in a way that best suits you, so that they can be happy and free to shine in their own way.
